[Building Sakai] Unable to delete a resources file

Constance Fuller cifuller at ucdavis.edu
Thu Feb 23 15:13:22 PST 2012


One of our users is unable to delete a resources folder and file.  They are receiving the message
"Alert: The delete resource (filename) is locked by another usage."

We are on Sakai 2.7.1.

I've found some references to this as a known issue (at least on older versions), but no clear remedies.  I've tried various resolutions including attempted deletes from interface as admin, deletes from webdav as well as checks on sakai_locks table.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you for your feedback,
Constance Fuller

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Constance Fuller
Senior Programmer
University of California, Davis
Information and Educational Technology
Enterprise Applications and Infrastructure Systems, SmartSite

(530) 754-5254
cifuller at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cifuller at ucdavis.edu>

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