[Building Sakai] lesson builder binaries

Hedrick Charles hedrick at rutgers.edu
Thu Feb 9 19:04:38 PST 2012

I actually know how to make the 2.9 binaries run on 2.8, but it's so hacky I'm  not sure I want to do it. The problem is that FormattedText has been seriously restructured. I could put my own layer above it, and dynamically detect which version is present in the system.. However at this late stage in the release cycle I'd prefer not to make that kind of change, but just to supply binaries built using the normal processes.

On Feb 9, 2012, at 7:15:02 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
> These shouldn't go into SVN. Binaries (ie tomcat overlays) are created as part of the release process and uploaded to the Sakai maven repo. The source is also automatically tagged as part of this process (when releasing actual stable artifacts).
> People can then include a pom block in core-deploy and they are automatilcally retrieved and unpacked, like how the others in there are deployed (profile2, sites stats etc)
> Do you have permissions to do a Maven release? If not, I can check out the source and push a release for you.
> I see a lot of snapshot dependencies in the 1.4 branch though so before a stable release can be tagged and packaged, they need to be stabilised. Instead we can create a snapshot release of the 1.4 branch for now.
> cheers,
> Steve
> On 10/02/2012, at 10:53 AM, Hedrick Charles wrote:
>> I've just uploaded
>> https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/lessonbuilder/binaries/lessonbuilder-assembly-1.4-sakai2.8.1-tomcat-overlay.zip
>> This is a ZIP file with binaries, designed to be unzipped in the main tomcat directory. 
>> This is the version being run at Rutgers, except using RSF 0.7.5 rather than 0.8-SNAPSHOT. It is built for 2.8.1, but I believe it will work for 2.8 as well. Please tell me if it doesn't and I'll do a separate one.
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