[Building Sakai] online chat site-wide?

csev csev at umich.edu
Wed Feb 8 15:04:18 PST 2012

n Feb 8, 2012, at 4:50 AM, Adrian Fish wrote:

> At a tool level, if the tool, Samigo for example, keeps state if you switch tools, disabling chat won't work as you'll be able to switch tools and chat for a bit before coming back. It'll have to be disabled at the site level. It seems a bit heavy to shut down chat just because Samigo is installed in a site though. The check could perhaps be floating chat checking for Samigo or Mneme being installed *and* visible and then disabling itself.
> It'd have to be done in the portal as I assume we can't introduce dependencies on floating chat in tools like Samigo, or maybe we can with 2.9 upwards.
> Cheers,
> Adrian.


We cannot introduce a dependency on Samigo API in the *code* of the portal, but the portal *does* know about certain tool identifiers like preference, profile, etc.   The portal does not talk to APIs in these tools, but at times looks at the active tool and renders things differently.

We could make a property (yes another property) like:


Or even make it per site or a combination of system-wide with site override.

There is no layer violation.   It might be portal code and might be chat code in /portal - but either way I bet we can meet the use case.


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