[Building Sakai] Sakai & Assignments 2

Sobieralski, Damian Michael dsobiera at indiana.edu
Wed Feb 8 11:32:38 PST 2012


I just tried building A2 trunk against a fresh Sakai checkout of 2.9.x. It built and ran fine. Are you trying the A2 tag or trunk?  I'd recommend trunk - https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/assignment2/trunk/ as there were some pom issues that appeared as a result of the recent sakai pom changes that renders v 1.0 of A2 not ideal for using any longer. What exact version of Sakai are you trying to go against (or is it a local custom one)?

Could you give a bit more details on your environment?  I'm in the middle of changing how A2 is built so this probably is a side effect of me not being finished and thus not testing against different sakai permutations.

- Damian

[Building Sakai] Sakai & Assignments 2
Alexander Bell abell at iparadigms.com
Tue Feb 7 14:36:57 PST 2012

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Hi Everyone

I've been trying over the past few days (with varying success) to get
Sakai setup with Assignment2 / Turnitin.
I've checked out various versions of the necessary modules (
contentreview-2.xxx, content-review-0.7, taggablexx, assignment2) and
tried the install over a few versions of sakai(2.8/2.9). Running on
Debian squeeze, Maven 2, apache-tomcat-5.5.28, sun-java6-jdk.

I've run the prepare script and modified a few poms where necssary to
get assignment2 installed, but I've run into the following issues:

  * 2.9 - installed after modifying assignment 2 poms but when accessing
    gives the error 'Unable to find registered context for tool with ID
  * 2.8 -
      o installed and could access the create page but nothing happened
        after saving. Looking at the logs, it had the error
        noclassdeffound for FormattedText
      o Modified assignment2 poms to point to 2.8 dependencies but got
        the error 'cannot find symbol' for ExternalGradebookLogicImpl.java

I guess what I'm trying to find out is if there's a specific combination
of versions of Sakai and the additional modules that has to be used to
get up and running or if it's simply a misconfiguration issue

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