[Building Sakai] LTI Consumer

csev csev at umich.edu
Tue Feb 7 13:30:53 PST 2012


In effect, if the tool kept the image URL (i.e. a threaded discussion tool) and put up the stored URL for images for users other than the current logged in user, they would see the image if the logged in user had the right to see the image, right?

If so - that is good enough.   The external tool does not need to jump through any hoops - it just uses the image URL in its HTML and it either works or is broken.  It might be nice to emit a 1pixel clear image in the case of broken or something..   Hmmm.

It would be nice to to include the image if the user set privacy settings below "let others in my class see my image"…

It  might also be cool to have the image URL generator check all this and if the internal image is not available generate a gravatar URL instead.  :)


On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:45 AM, Adrian Fish wrote:

> I've JIRA'd it here: https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/BLTI-152
> On 07/02/2012 10:17, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> Unless the other end is storing the image_url that is sent, it shouldn't need to be public, because only the user that is performing the launch will see their own image - when would other users get that data?
>> I do see an issue if multiple LMS's launch the same external tool though, and the remote tool does store some data. For example if you launched an external forums tool, and it stored what your image_url is so that other users can see who is posting etc.
>> The Profile2 image entity provider makes the same privacy checks that the tool does, returning the default if the requirements aren't met, but it requires the requestor to have a session.
>> I've been thinking of adding a public setting to Profile2, this could be one field that has it. Then the provider could return the default image if it isn't public.
>> Thoughts?
>> cheers,
>> Steve

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