[Building Sakai] Message Center Forums looping queries

Ashley Willis ashley_willis at unc.edu
Thu Feb 2 13:49:05 PST 2012

We are running Sakai 2.7.0 msgcntr 2.7.5. We have noticed certain forums 
take several minutes to load in 2.7.5. The forum is not terribly large, 
roughly 6 forums with 13 topics per forum. The instructor creates a 
forum for each assignment and a topic for each student under each forum. 
Students typically just upload an attachment as a response to their 
topic as the assignment. What we have found is that this query is 
getting called thousands of times in a loop with different surrogateKeys 
which explains the long load times:

select attachment0_.ID as ID65_, attachment0_.VERSION as VERSION65_, 
attachment0_.UUID as UUID65_,
attachment0_.CREATED as CREATED65_, attachment0_.CREATED_BY as 
CREATED5_65_, attachment0_.MODIFIED
as MODIFIED65_, attachment0_.MODIFIED_BY as MODIFIED7_65_, 
attachment0_.ATTACHMENT_ID as ATTACHMENT8_65_,
attachment0_.ATTACHMENT_URL as ATTACHMENT9_65_, 
attachment0_.ATTACHMENT_NAME as ATTACHMENT10_65_,
attachment0_.ATTACHMENT_SIZE as ATTACHMENT11_65_, 
attachment0_.ATTACHMENT_TYPE as ATTACHMENT12_65_,
attachment0_.m_surrogateKey as m13_65_, attachment0_.of_surrogateKey as 
of14_65_, attachment0_.pf_surrogateKey
as pf15_65_, attachment0_.t_surrogateKey as t16_65_ from 
MFR_ATTACHMENT_T attachment0_ where

On a whim, we rolled back to msgcntr to 2.7.0 and this doesn't happen, 
the forum loads in a reasonable time. We don't see this query being 
executed over and over.

We're about to start comparing code unless some has the magic formula.
Any takers?

thanks in advance!


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