[Building Sakai] usage of

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Mon Dec 31 09:26:08 PST 2012

I see several webServices interfaces and it is not so obvious to me how to use them. Steve has pointed me to some examples in perl and Python for a few of them, but if people really use these, are there more examples around that could help understand usage?

Right now I am trying  to poke at them using a REST interface from  the web just to see how to use them, and to avoid the issues of programmatic logins for now. I'm particularly interested in any REST usage of these via web or curl.

Also, if the interface says: "No Formats allowed" for both input and outputs, how does one get the results?

As a specific example, the /direct/forum/ interface, what does it do? How to use it?


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