[Building Sakai] Sakai CLE 2.9.0-b07 released

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Fri Aug 17 08:13:14 PDT 2012

Hi All,

The Sakai 2.9.0-b07 release is up at https://qa29.longsight.com/

Artifacts for other qa servers are here:

You can also build from source as usual from this tag:

This release includes about 60 fixes which were merged from trunk as verified. 

All indies were also released as b07. This list above does not include those fixes.

A new blocker was recently discovered, a bug which sometimes sends users of 2.9 through a regular browser to the mobile view -  https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22484 .

Extensive changes were made to Sakai CLE skinning functionality.

The upcoming Sakai CLE 2.9 release includes a major update to the look and feel of the CLE. This update required extensive changes to the existing skinning functionality. *Current skins used in 2.8 and older can be used in 2.9, but a configuration setting must be enabled in sakai.properties for them to function.*

In addition, for anyone tracking the 2.9 release and developing or using skins based on the "NeoPortal" skin, recent changes in the beta7 release (b07) have eliminated the original design and replaced it with the skin targeted for 2.10. You will need to make changes to your new 2.9 skin based on the b07 release.  Please see https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+CLE+2.9+portal+changes for more details.

The next release is Sakai CLE 2.9.0-b08, targeted for August 28, and ideally this will become the first release candidate (pending resolution of all blocker items and other stuff).

Neal Caidin

Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Skype: nealkdin
AIM: ncaidin at aol.com

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