[Building Sakai] WebServices copyRole()

Brian Jones bjones86 at uwo.ca
Tue Aug 14 07:09:43 PDT 2012

Hey Steve & Community,

I ported your Perl sync-roles-in-sites.pl script
roles-in-sites.pl) to a Python3 script for use here at Western University.
For reference, you can find it @

My real question lies with the copyRoles() function within the web services,
specifically to do with the removeBeforeSync parameter that you pass to it.
Mainly, it doesn't seem to do anything for us. I've run the script many
times, passing both true and false for this parameter, but it never seems to
remove any permissions.

>From what I've read, if you pass in true, it should remove the entire role
first (or any permissions in the role), and then copy over any that are in
the template. In this way it should sync both additions and removals; but it
never seems to do any removals.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

Brian Jones
Applications Development
Information Technology Services
Support Services Building, Room 4326
Western University
(519) 661-2111 x86969
bjones86 at uwo.ca

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