[Building Sakai] Sakai SCORM Player errors with 2.8.1 - DB table/index creation errors; test build failure

Gast, Cynthia (cmw6s) cmw6s at eservices.virginia.edu
Thu Aug 2 08:03:37 PDT 2012


The University of Virginia is interested in adding the contrib project "Sakai SCORM Player" to our 2.8.1 Sakai installation, using MySQL for the database.  After following the Sakai SCORM Player's installation instructions, I've run into three issues.

1) sakai-scorm project fails to build due to a test failure (testSimple(org.sakaiproject.scorm.dao.hibernate.DataManagerDaoImplTest)) in "sakai-scorm-model-impl"
    -- I rebuilt with tests disabled, for now, to continue

2) I see DB Errors when restarting tomcat.  The initial DB Error follows, and others occur because this SCORM_ELEMENT_T table was not created.

2a)  First DB Error:
WARN main org.sakaiproject.springframework.orm.hibernate.AddableSessionFactoryBean - Unsuccessful schema statement: create table SCORM_ELEMENT_T (ELEMENT_ID bigint not null auto_increment, CLASS_TYPE varchar(255) not null, DESCRIPTION bigint, PARENT bigint, VALUE varchar(65535), IS_INITIALIZED bit, TRUNC_SPM bit, ELEMENT_DM bigint, NAVIGATION_DM bigint, BINDING varchar(255), IS_RANDOMIZED bit, DM_COUNT integer, primary key (ELEMENT_ID)) ENGINE=InnoDB
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Column length too big for column 'VALUE' (max = 21845); use BLOB or TEXT instead

3) Another error seen in the tomcat startup log:
WARN main org.sakaiproject.scorm.service.sakai.impl.SakaiResourceService - Couldn't configure scorm root colection.
org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException user=null lock=content.revise.any resource=/content/private/scorm/
        at org.sakaiproject.content.impl.BaseContentService.editCollection(BaseContentService.java:4219)
        at org.sakaiproject.scorm.service.sakai.impl.SakaiResourceService.init(SakaiResourceService.java:352)

Are these known issues, perhaps documented somewhere that I missed?  Appreciate patches or pointers on how to proceed.

Here is what I did to reach this point:

I exported the source for both "contrib/edia/sakai-wicket-for-scorm/" (creating sakai-wicket project) and "contrib/scorm/SCORM.2004.3ED.RTE/" (creating sakai-scorm project).  I followed the installation instructions with the following exception:  instead of getting the source from 'trunk' branch, I acquired the following tagged versions (which appear to be the latest code from trunk).
    sakai-wicket:  3.0.0 tag
    sakai-scorm:  3.0.2 tag

Changed version number information to match ours.  Built sakai-wicket first (mvn clean install), then sakai-scorm (mvn clean install sakai:deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true).  Restarted tomcat.

Thanks very much for any guidance on these issues.
Cynthia Gast
    (formerly, Cynthia Walters)
University of Virginia, Sakai development team
cmw6s at virginia.edu

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