[Building Sakai] Question on building portal / changing CharonPortal.java

Richwine, Brian L brichwin at indiana.edu
Tue Nov 29 13:28:33 PST 2011


I want to test a possible accessibility fix for the three skip navigation (jump to content, jump to tools, jump to worksites) links that are at the top of the portal.
I've made the changes I want to make to portal.css, tool_base.css, and CharonPortal.java. I can see my changes to the CSS. However, after I compile portal I can't get the changes to show up in my local copy of trunk. Could someone give me tips on how to build portal and get it running over a local trunk build?

I checked out portal trunk by removing the portal folder from my local copy of trunk and overlaying it with:

   svn co https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/portal/trunk ./portal

and made the changes I want to portal-impl/impl/src/java/org/sakaiproject/portal/Charon/CharonPortal.java. Then I did a "mvn install sakai:deploy" in the portal folder. Unfortunately I do not see my changes in the server.


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