[Building Sakai] NeoPortal Adjustments?

csev csev at umich.edu
Fri Jul 29 08:08:55 PDT 2011

On Jul 29, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Bryan Holladay wrote:

> I'm not a UI person or play one on TV but how's this sound:
> Have a hard coded max size for the dropdown, then have it do some jquery magic auto scroll when the mouse gets close to the bottom of the list to see the rest of the list.
> Is that possible, sound good?  Maybe have a down arrow at the bottom suggesting more tools.
> -Bryan

I am even less qualified as an expert - but one thing we tried to avoid in Neo was training users in complex gestures to get simple things done.   Adding lots of "this dynamic thing happens when the mouse enters this area and its velocity is less than so many pixels per second dynamically expand blah blah blah" was something we wanted to avoid.   We wanted users to move their mouses and click on things and move again and click again.  Dynamic is fine when the user is explicit in their request for the action.

As an example in Google+ ig you have more than six circles to get t the 7th and later circle when you want to add someone the gesture needs to be *really precise* - precice gestures and guessing user intent through gestures is fun for a designer to imagine byu leads to use pain IMHO.

I also hate the fact that Twitter notices you are near the bottom of the current tweets, gets more and then repositions the page so I can never find where I was reading!  Dynamic stuff is hard even for sophisticated users.  Especially when gesture detection is a little difffere t on browsers.


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