[Building Sakai] Entity References Broken During Site Import: Solution Vote (KNL-737 or SAK-16568)

Bryan Holladay holladay at longsight.com
Thu Jul 28 06:07:10 PDT 2011

No problem... I'll get the ball rolling.

We need to get at least one of these jira's in trunk.  There are two
solutions (KNL-737 and SAK-16568).  I'll start by describing my patch then
Matt can describe his and maybe we can make an educated decision here?
 Either way, the community should decide if they want one of these solutions
or none.


When importing data from an external site, Sakai's Entity references
continue to point to previous site's data.  Sakai needs a way to ensure
these references get updated during the import process.  This is
particularly important for tools like Entity Picker and LessonBuilder.

SAK-16568 or KNL-737

I'll describe my patch and Matt can describe his:

*SAK-16568 Entity picker link points to original site when 'Import from
Site' option is used *

*Detailed Description:*
Extends the EntityTransferrer API to return a Map<FromContext -> ToContext>
for every item that is transfered to the new site.  This includes all item
ref's (ex. assignment refs, forum refs, topic refs, ect) since most
information isn't based on Site ID.

Extends the EntityTransferrer API to add an implementable stub that is
called after all information is collected.  It sends over the collective
Map<FromContext->ToContext> to each tool in order to update any references
in that tool's item's text (or where ever that tool wants to update it's


-Entity Transferrer collects all the FrontContext->ToContext information
from all the tools being transfered
-Since Resources is a separate action outside of Entity Transferrer, it
collects the reference Map for resources as well
-Entity Transferrer sends the FrontContext->ToContext information to all the
tools being transfered as well as the Site Context Old->New

I've already implemented all of Sakai's tools and some indy tools (some
tools are just empty stubs).  The drawback is that since this changes the
Kernel's API, any indy project that uses EntityTransferrer will need to have
an empty stub implemented to compile, but this is very simple.

Any votes or comments would be greatly appreciated.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Steve Swinsburg
<steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Bryan,
> I haven't done anything on it, I posited it to the TCC (or maybe MT) a
> couple of times, no response. Matthew Bucket has also done some work on it
> (latest comment in that JIRA), want to compare notes with him?
> cheers
> s
> On 28/07/2011, at 10:19 PM, Bryan Holladay wrote:
> Any word on https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-16568?  I remember at
> the conference you were talking about getting this into trunk.  I've tried
> before, it's no easy task :)
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