[Building Sakai] Gradebook2 Scale

Raul Sanchez Vegas raulsv at um.es
Wed Jan 12 02:03:21 PST 2011


We have a couple of doubts regarding the use of Gradebook2. We have 
defined our own scale with the following grades:

Suspenso           00.00  to  49.99
Aprobado          50.00  to  69.99
Notable             70.00  to  89.99
Sobresaliente     90.00  to _*100.00*_

We´ve checked that by default all scales goes up to 100, so the max 
grade is always 100. We have a problem here because our University only 
allows grades from 0 to 10 so we need to convert those grades to our scale.

¿is it posible to have a scale in base 10, so that the max grade is 10?

Suspenso           0.00  to  4.9
Aprobado          5.00  to  6.9
Notable              7.00  to  8.9
Sobresaliente      9.00  to _*10.0*
Also, the number of decimals that the grade has depend on the scale 
used. Since our scale has 2 decimals, then our grades can have up to 2 
decimals, but if we change the scale to 1 decimal, then we would only be 
able to add 1 decimal to the grade. ¿Does it work like this?

Thanks a lot,
Raúl Sánchez
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