[Building Sakai] Soap Page creation issue with 2.7.1

Matthew Jones jonespm at umich.edu
Mon Jan 3 14:32:39 PST 2011

Probably both regressions caused by 2.7 i18n fixes. The default title of the
tool "sakai.iframe.site" is "Site Information Display". Because of KNL-241
in 2.7 the name is reverted to the default of "Site Information" even though
you set it to something else:

       $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home", "Site
Information", "sakai.iframe.site", "0,0");

You have to set the page property of "sitePage.customTitle" or the
tool.idhas to be in the set the set ("
*sakai.iframe" || "sakai.news" || "sakai.rutgers.linktool") *[which is not
configurable outside of a kernel change] Steve added a call for
"addConfigPropertyToPage" if you wanted to upgrade your webservices in
SAK-18923, but I don't know if it's possible in 2.7 in code. It looks like
you were already using that call anyway. So make the call to set

sitePage.customTitle = =true

Anyway, this wouldn't be the reason that the tool isn't appearing, and it
looks like it's configured correctly.
Maybe try to set the "is_home_page" page property to true. Possibly another
i18n break? https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-16679

Unless tools don't select themselves by default.

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Jon Wheat <JWheat at messiah.edu> wrote:

>  I think I'm losing my mind.
> I ran my script to create our courses for the next term and I have this
> line (script has not changed at all since the last run)
> print "+> -Adding pages to site $title ($newsiteid)<br/>\n  ";
>        $res = $soap2->addNewPageToSite($session, $newsiteid, "Home",
> 1)->result;
>        print "  home   ::" . $res . "\n";
> (returns 'success') - Which by all means should create a page called 'Home'
> however it creates a page called "Site Information Display" - and therefore
> screws the next lines -- since there's no 'Home' page -
>        $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home", "Site
> Information", "sakai.iframe.site", "0,0");
>        $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home",
> "Announcements", "sakai.synoptic.announcement", "0,1");
>        $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home", "Calendar",
> "sakai.summary.calendar", "2,1");
>        $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home", "Chat
> Messages", "sakai.synoptic.chat", "3,1");
>        $soap2->addNewToolToPage($session, $newsiteid, "Home", "Messages &
> Forums Notifications", "sakai.synoptic.messagecenter", "4,1");
>        print "+> -Adding properties to site \"$title\" <br/>\n  ";
>        $soap2->addConfigPropertyToTool($session,$newsiteid,"Home","Site
> Information","height","300px");
> All the rest of the pages and tools create fine - so I end up with a site
> with no Home tab with the summary blocks, but other working tools.
> This is new with the 2.7.x install (ran the script with 2.6 last term -
> then upgraded to 2.7.1)
> Doesn't matter what I call the first page I create, it never gets created.
> However - (the crazy part) - I can go into the site and go to Site Info |
> Tools and see the Home tool unchecked ??  When I check it - its all
> configured and correct.
> Is it just me or did something change with 2.7.x that I missed ?
> -Jon
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