[Building Sakai] Change alert: Upgrade to jsf 1.1_02

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Wed Feb 23 01:48:56 PST 2011

Hi All,

This is an alert of changes to the jsf project in trunk (i.e
2.9-SNAPSHOT). The version of jsf the project has been bound to has been
upgraded to jsf-1.1_02 (the last 1.1 release). As it is known that some
jsf tools may have issues with this version a branch has been created
that still binds to the 1.1_01 release that Sakai has used. Tools can
bind to this branch if they experience issues with the upgrade. NOTE:
this branch should be considered deprecated and no release of it is
intended for versions of Sakai after 2.9.

Resources sought: the 1.1 branch of jsf is very old and it would be
preferable to move to a current version (1.2 or even 2) - expertise and
help on this issue would be appreciated.



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