[Building Sakai] Project management, student supervision or student relations management tools

Daniel Robinson d.b.robinson at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Dec 8 07:20:38 PST 2011

Hi everyone,

Are there any project management, student supervision or student relations management tools that have been developed for Sakai, or any instances where similar solutions have been integrated with Sakai?

These would have the ability to do things such as log support requests/queries, create, schedule/timetable and supervise tasks, search a user's/student's support history, provide progress updates etc. and preferably be general enough to support both academic and non-academic applications.

We are interested in leveraging existing Sakai tools if possible.

So far we have evaluated Checklist and are hoping to hear back from Nuno Fernandes about the Supervision Tool he developed at UFP and presented at EuroSakai 2010.

We are particularly interested in integrating social features from Profile2 within such a tool or suite of tools.

If anyone knows of any other possible candidate tools, we'd appreciate any feedback. We'd also like to hear from anyone else interested in developing/working on such a tool.

Thanks and best wishes,


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