[Building Sakai] Roster/Profile2 failures in sakai 2.7.x?

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Mon Aug 22 12:21:30 PDT 2011

I am having a problem which might totally be a local issue with my
development environment so I wanted to see if anyone else is seeing
this also (this is with the newest 2.7.x code). It causes roster to
basically render a stacktrace on screen.

2011-08-22 14:57:33,697 ERROR http-8080-Processor24
org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.SakaiProxyImpl -
SakaiProxy.getSakaiPerson(): Couldn't get SakaiPerson for:
caa3725b-8380-4f2f-ac3d-a637454e78c7 : class
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException :
could not execute query; nested exception is
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query
2011-08-22 14:57:33,697  WARN http-8080-Processor24
org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: 1146, SQLState:

These users are mostly loaded via my local UDP but I also tried a site
with only internal (DB stored) users and I get the same issue.
Anyone else seeing anything like this?

Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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