[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.7.1, Assignments 2 and TII integration

Boyd, Amy E amyboyd at txstate.edu
Mon Aug 15 08:56:01 PDT 2011

Hello -

I know several institutions out there are currently using turnitin with Sakai.  I'm trying to integrate the contrib tool here at Texas State University and am running into some errors.

We are running Sakai 2.7.1
I just added Assignments 2 (tags/v1.0 - not in production yet) with no trouble.
I added turnitin/tags/content-review-impl-base-0.6 (I have also tried with 0.5) under the content-review folder
I needed to update the content-review API so updated to tags/contentreview-2.9.0
I modified the pom.xml in content-review to include the new TII module
I've added the appropriate setting in sakai.properties and set the cron jobs to run (they appear to be successful)

I have all of the configurations set up on the turnitin website.

Everything builds and runs, but when creating an assignment and using turnitin, I get the following error:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.sakaiproject.contentreview.service.ContentReviewService.createAssignment(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;)V

However, the interface does exist in ContentReviewService.java (this is why I used TII 0.6 - because the interface does not exist it 0.5).  I can't find where it's actually defined though.  

I've tried several combinations of content-review-api with turnitin and can't seem to get anything working on Sakai 2.7.1.

Has anyone been successful integrating 2.7.1 with TII?

Any help is appreciated!

- Amy

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