[Building Sakai] New mail list: cle-kernel-team at collab.sakaiproject.org

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Thu Aug 4 13:00:42 PDT 2011

I've created a CLE kernel team mail list in order to help facilitate kernel team member discussions and activities.  List archives are open and Sakai Community members are welcome to join the list and participate in our deliberations.  To join the list simply fill out the form at



For those new to Sakai, the CLE kernel provides a set of low-level services covering such areas as authz, tool registration, component, session, event and user management, content handling, etc.  The kernel is packaged separately from the rest of the CLE and the team manages its own release cycle.

The kernel team is of longstanding and is composed of senior developers (see list below).  Kernel commit rights are accorded on the basis of merit.  New team members (i.e., committers) are elected by a vote of the existing members.  Team members no longer active in the project are accorded emeritus status with the right to re-engage as committers at any time under the principle that merit never expires.  If a code modification requires a vote (a rare occurrence) only active team members votes are binding; all others are advisory only.


Work on the kernel is ongoing and active: some 269 commits were logged against kernel trunk over the last year.  This output was not limited to the kernel team alone.  Indeed, you do not need to possess formal commit rights to contribute actively to kernel development.  We encourage Sakai Community contributors to submit bug fix and new feature patches.  Over the last year of development we've received and implemented a number of contributions from Thomas Behlau (Unicon), Noah Botimer (UMich), John Bush (rSmart), Duffy Gillman (rSmart), Carl Hall (Hallway Technologies), Bryan Holladay (Longsight), Matt Jones (UMich), Jean-François Léveque (UPMC), David Roldan Martinez (UPV), Chris Maurer (IU), Sam Ottenhoff (Longsight), Michelle Wagner (IU) and Cynthia Walters (Virginia).


So if you have interest in the kernel consider joining the list--and don't forget to bring your patches to the party.





Matthew Buckett, Oxford
Jim Eng, UMich
David Horwitz, UCT
Beth Kirschner, UMich
Stephen Marquard, UCT
Charles Severance, UMich
Steve Swinsburg, ANU
Seth Theriault, Columbia
Anthony Whyte, Sakai Foundation / UMich
Aaron Zeckoski, Unicon


Ian Boston, Cambridge
Ray Davis, UC Berkeley
Zach Thomas, Aeroplane Software

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