[Building Sakai] Updating a Resource through Tool

Stuart Childs stuart.childs at scorm.com
Wed Aug 3 12:52:47 PDT 2011


I'm working on a Sakai Tool that allows users to create resources in their Sakai instance that link to external content through our service. I'm trying to add a feature to allow the user to update the reference to that external content through the resource manager tool. It's "working" but I've run into a locking issue that I can't seem to figure out.

The relevant section of code (for reference, the full source for the tool is available on GitHub, package-update branch at https://github.com/RusticiSoftware/SCORMCloud_SakaiPlugin/tree/package-update):

	private void updateResourceForScormCloudEntity(String contentEntityId, ScormCloudPackage pkg) throws Exception {
		log.debug("updateResource contentEntityId = " + contentEntityId);
		ContentResourceEdit resource = getContentHostingService().editResource(contentEntityId);
		ResourcePropertiesEdit properties = resource.getPropertiesEdit();
		properties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, pkg.getTitle());

The update process works without apparent error the first time it is run (either for a resource, or after restarting Tomcat) but if it is run again, an InUseException is thrown by ContentHostingService.editResource. An example exception with stack trace:

org.sakaiproject.exception.InUseException id=/group/a156b4f3-79d0-40fc-af4b-96430a67d8cd/sakai-61a2d4d7-9942-4ec9-a7e2-06f533837eaa.scormcloud 

From what I've been able to determine, this is caused by a lock on that entity. However, the problem still arises even after I added the silly removeAllLocks line above. Digging a bit into the Sakai source, it seems that commitResource should be enough to free that lock but obviously I must be doing something wrong. If it makes a difference, the Sakai instance this is running on was compiled from 2.7.0 sources with the 1.1.8 kernel.

I'd really appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have about this.

Stuart Childs

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