[Building Sakai] REMINDER: Sakai 2.8 code freeze (23:59 UTC, TOMORROW, 21 September 2010)

Seth Theriault slt at columbia.edu
Mon Sep 20 06:55:34 PDT 2010

Hello everyone,

The code freeze for Sakai 2.8 (including the kernel) will occur 
at 23:59 UTC, TOMORROW, 21 September 2010. A 2.8 branch and alpha 
tag will be created at that time.

As noted on the more detailed schedule page, at the time of the 
code freeze:

"All changes to code completed, including sakai.properties 
settings, appropriate default permissions, work related to tool 
status changes, kernel, database upgrade/conversion scripts, 
upgrades and additions to shared/common jar files and tools 
(e.g., java, maven, dbcp, spring, hibernate, tomcat) are 
completed. , etc."

(see http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/8RkhB)



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