[Building Sakai] Proposed PDA Portal Wording Change - SAK-19061

Keli Sato Amann kamann at stanford.edu
Thu Sep 16 10:41:03 PDT 2010

We've taken the approach of having iphone users, when visiting coursework.stanford.edu, being automatically redirected to coursework.stanford.edu/portal/pda. I think it would be very useful to have a link at the bottom that redirects them to the full, original view. And for schools that don't have that auto-redirect, having that link to "mobile" would be useful. Since users never have to type in "/pda," I don't have a strong opinion about changing that in the near term. 

(We were also thinking of setting up m.coursework.stanford.edu, but for some reason, our process for requesting aliases only let us pick m-coursework.stanford.edu. I'm sure there's a way around that, but auto redirect seems like a better option). 

Keli Amann
User Experience Specialist
Academic Computing Services, Stanford University

----- Original Message -----
From: "csev" <csev at umich.edu>
To: "sakai-dev Developers" <sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org>
Cc: "accessibility at collab.sakaiproject.org WG" <accessibility at collab.sakaiproject.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:29:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] Proposed PDA Portal Wording Change - SAK-19061

Thanks Steven, Eli, Brian, Adam, Matthew, and Nate.

This is what I think the new consensus is (and I like it):

- On the main page, call the link to /pda "Mobile" and on the /pda" page call it "full"

I completely hear and agree with the "mobile != accessibility" discussion.  I was so proud of eliminating iframes in the pda portal and probably personally overvalue the ultimate destruction of all iframes as a high priority accessibility issue.

I agree that PDA is "so 90's" and that "Mobile" is closer but not perfect.

The notion of m.ctools.umich.edu as preferable is a great idea and orthogonal.  All I am changing is the *default* text in these properties out of the box.  Out of the box (i.e. like demo and nightly) there is no m. so I will leave it /pda as that works.  

In reality almost no one leaves this text at the bottom of each page unchanged - so likely your properties already override this default information - and if someone sets up an m. route in their servers, it is a simple matter to switch the link in the property to m...

So I am feeling like we are approaching closure.  This proposal is also the simplest one so far.

As always more comments are welcome.

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