[Building Sakai] Restoring deleted resources

David Barroso david at asic.udl.cat
Wed Sep 8 01:39:08 PDT 2010

Hi all,

We have a Sakai 2.7 in production and we need to restore
some deleted resources.

We use only the database to store files, NOT filesystem.

I'm trying to do this using sql directly:

insert into





content_resource_delete crd


crd.in_collection like '%-0910%' and crd.delete_date like 

When I execute this instruction, I get the following SQL error:

SQL Error: ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype
00997. 00000 -  "illegal use of LONG datatype"

I've tried to do it inside a PL/SQL procedure too, getting
the same error.

I'll keep on trying, using some kind of loop or using java code,
but if anybody have a ready to use solution, it will be very
appreciate !!

And probably I'm wrong and this is not the right solution to
restore deleted resources ...


David Barroso Iglesias   david at asic.udl.cat
Universitat de Lleida
Àrea de sistemes d'Informació i Comunicacions
Cap de projectes interns

University of Lleida
Information and Communication Systems Service
Internal project manager

Tlf: +34 973 702040
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