[Building Sakai] Folder name bug in FckConnector

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Wed Sep 1 08:39:21 PDT 2010

Hi All,

I think I have found a bug that may at least in part explain the flaky
behavior of the insert image functionality in the FCK editor.  The gory
details are at: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19071

In short FCKConnectorServelet.java doesn't seem to distinguish betweeen
a folder's display name and its underlying id. So basically any folder
that contains characters that are escaped by the in the resource id
won't be accessible. To reproduce:

1) create a folder with the name: Real Analysis (2RA)
2) Load an image into the folder
3) In a tool with the WYSIWIG click the embed image icon in FCK
4) click "browse server"
5) Click on the folder "Real Analysis (2RA)"

I can't see an obvious solution as the servelet doesn't seem to
distinguish between diplay and true id's - any ideas?


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