[Building Sakai] Puzzle: how to update SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP when LDAP username changes

will trillich will.trillich at serensoft.com
Fri Oct 15 10:00:31 PDT 2010

User "jenny" wants to change her LDAP username to "mrsgump". There's only
one place in the database where her EID is stored, and that's

So all it should take is and update on the LDAP side, then in the Sakai
   UPDATE sakai_user_id_map SET eid = 'mrsgump' WHERE eid = 'jenny';
and then possibly an admin > memory > reset caches, right? We've even
restarted Sakai/Tomcat completely, still no luck.

Apparently there's something more going on.

When we visit admin > user membership and search for the OLD eid, it's still
there, with all its worksite associations. The new eid is also visible, with
no associations, and it has its own USER_ID hexadecimal string now.

At this point we can UPDATE sakai_user_id_map to set the new EID to just
about anything and Sakai ignores the changes no matter whether we
memory>reset caches or even restart Tomcat completely. The new ID has no
worksite associations, and the old ID still has all its associations -- even
tho the old ID isn't in the sakai_user_id_map.eid at all. When there's no
trace of the old EID via the SQL command line, Sakai still shows it as
happily active.

This is on 2.6.x. Any suggestions?

Failure is not important. How you overcome it, is.
-- Nick Vujicic
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