[Building Sakai] User Reports

Earle Nietzel Earle.Nietzel at marist.edu
Tue Mar 30 09:09:35 PDT 2010

See my comments below.


sakai-dev-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org wrote on 03/30/2010 09:47:12 AM:

> I had few questions.
> 1.       How can we monitor users on how much time they spend. May 
> be a logon and logoff report.

I would query the SAKAI_SESSION table for that info. Then you can then put 
the query in cron and have it email you the results.

> 2.       How can we monitor or run reports on Resources folder in 
> each class on if  the students are using them or not.

This is a little more complicated but I would start with something like 

select ss.SITE_ID, SUM(cr.FILE_SIZE) as SIZE from CONTENT_RESOURCE cr join 
SAKAI_SITE ss on (cr.CONTEXT = ss.SITE_ID) where ss.IS_USER is true and 
cr.CONTEXT is not null GROUP BY cr.CONTEXT order by SIZE DESC;

This query looks for all User sites and then calculates how much space is 
being used by files in those sites.

> 3.       Can we group students as if they part of another branch of 
> the institution but still use just one portal.

You can add user defined properties to users in sakai, so if you could add 
for example a property called "instituition" which then could have 
different values i.e. institution A, institution B.

> Thanks,
> Nawaz.
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