[Building Sakai] New SmartPhone interface to sakai

Holladay, Bryan Andrew bahollad at indiana.edu
Mon Mar 29 09:51:50 PDT 2010

Here at IU we use CAS and our MIU portal uses a mobile version of CAS for authentication.  Unfortunately, CAS Mobile doesn't work for Sakai and I have had to put in other measures of security in its place, but it still relies on CAS for user identification.  When I say "extended" tools, I just mean the Entity Broker Restful Service.  I have not thought about putting my code into Sakai trunk as of yet, but would be willing to genericize it enough to do so.  The Messages and Forums tool was definitely a lot of work.  Anyways, its nice to know who is working on what so we don't duplicate our efforts.  We would like to see some of the mentioned tools below in our mobile portal as well.  If anyone else is doing something similar, please let us know.  If anything, we can create a branch to collaborate in.


On 3/29/10 12:28 PM, "Adam Marshall" <adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

We have not extended any tools and were not anticipating doing so.  Yale very kindly extended their sign-up tool and we may do somethiong about the evaluations tool CSS. Gonzalo was doing us a big favour by looking at an iPhone CSS for it last week.

I should point out that I'm not actually involved in the coding but as I understand it, all the REST services are already there for us to do what we want. We're going to look at

*        Announcements

*        MOTD

*        Polls

*        Sign-up

*        Schedule


*        search

*        Resources

see http://oxforderewhon.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/sakai-tools/

I thionk we would be interested in your additions, are they in Jira? Are they going to be in 2.8?

Are you using oAuth? - we've done the integration and written an admin tool for My Workspace.


From: Holladay, Bryan Andrew [mailto:bahollad at indiana.edu]
Sent: 29 March 2010 16:54
To: Adam Marshall; sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org; Sakai User
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] New SmartPhone interface to sakai

IU is doing something very similar to this (http://m.iu.edu).  We have leveraged MIU's mobile platform ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/mitmobileweb/) and Sakai's entity broker restful services.  Just like the MollyProject, MIU's mobile web works for all web enabled phones and is extendable.  I will be displaying IU's mobile phone implementation at the Denver conference during the tech demonstrations and will have iPods for people to experience it first hand.

I am interested in how you have implemented the Sakai tools in the MollyProject.  I think this could be a great time in the community to work together in extending Sakai for generic mobile data usage like these two project (ie. Not platform dependent).  I have extended the Synoptic M&F Tool, Messages Tool, Forums Tool, and the Announcements tool and would gladly share my code.  I see you have the Polls and Schedule tool.  It would be nice to work together and share what we have done.  What other tools are you expecting to work on?


On 3/29/10 9:56 AM, "Adam Marshall" <adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
Here at Oxford we've been working on a mobile portal (m.ox.ac.uk) and have recently open sourced the code; this is available on sourceforge as the "Molly project" (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mollyproject/).

The mobile portal displays all sorts of information such as maps, live bus times, weather resports, podcasts and library search and is designed in two parts - an aggregation/manipulation layer and a web UI which works on all web capable phones (self adjusting).

The design also allows for native applications to be built concurrently with the web UI.

As part of the work we're currently providing oAuth-based access to Sakai tools, this includes tools such as Polls, Schedule and Announcements.

A few Sakai institutions have already expressed an interest in deploying the mobile portal and we were wondering if anybody else wanted to find out more.

If so send an email to erewhon at oucs.ox.ac.uk

Adam Marshall
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