[Building Sakai] New SmartPhone interface to sakai

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon Mar 29 06:56:32 PDT 2010

Here at Oxford we've been working on a mobile portal (m.ox.ac.uk) and have recently open sourced the code; this is available on sourceforge as the "Molly project" (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mollyproject/). 

The mobile portal displays all sorts of information such as maps, live bus times, weather resports, podcasts and library search and is designed in two parts - an aggregation/manipulation layer and a web UI which works on all web capable phones (self adjusting). 

The design also allows for native applications to be built concurrently with the web UI.

As part of the work we're currently providing oAuth-based access to Sakai tools, this includes tools such as Polls, Schedule and Announcements. 

A few Sakai institutions have already expressed an interest in deploying the mobile portal and we were wondering if anybody else wanted to find out more.

If so send an email to erewhon at oucs.ox.ac.uk

Adam Marshall

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