[Building Sakai] [libsakai] Mar 25 Library & Sakai 3 Integration Web Meeting

Gaurav Bhatnagar gbhatnag at umich.edu
Fri Mar 26 13:05:08 PDT 2010

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it for the web meeting!  And another
round of thanks to all the institutions that volunteered their time in
making this multi-institutional user research study a success!

At the meeting, we discussed findings from our research study as well as
proposed next steps.  Extensive notes are available on the meeting page:

We agreed upon a general design direction moving forward and see some
overlap with other work going on in the Sakai community.  We would like to
reach out to those in the Sakai community who we may be able to collaborate
with on some level.  We have places to start, but if you see any overlaps
with work you are conducting in reviewing the notes above, please feel free
to get in touch.


On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:59 PM, GauravBhatnagar <gbhatnag at umich.edu> wrote:

> A report of our multi-institutional user research study findings has been
> posted at:
> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/_xoQB
> and is attached here.
> Please feel free to share any comments, questions or ideas here or at our
> Thursday (25 Mar) meeting!
> Thanks,
> Gaurav
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Gaurav Bhatnagar <gbhatnag at umich.edu>wrote:
>> The Library & Sakai 3 Integration Project will be meeting this Thursday,
>> March 25th.  We will be sharing findings from our instructor user study and
>> discussing next steps in the design process.  A report of our findings will
>> be shared shortly for review.
>> Agenda and more details are available at:
>> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/_xoQB
>> The meeting is Thursday, March 25th, from 11:30am to 1pm, Eastern using
>> the Sakai001 Conference Bridge:
>> - Telephone: +1 812 856 7060
>> - Internet: (via Polycom, XMeeting (Mac), Ekiga (Linux),
>> NetMeeting (Windows))
>> - Conference Code: 348#
>> - PIN: 72524#
>> Thanks,
>> Gaurav
>> Gaurav Bhatnagar
>> Interaction Designer
>> University of Michigan Library
>> +1 517 980 4616
>> gbhatnag at umich.edu
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