[Building Sakai] Deprecation summary page

Clay Fenlason clay.fenlason at et.gatech.edu
Wed Mar 24 06:46:57 PDT 2010

Some outstanding questions I'd like to get more comment on:

1) I've led off with a proposed deprecation policy draft. [1] Thoughts
about this?

2) I've tried to represent the JCR and Static Cover issues as well as
I understand them [1], but would welcome clarity from my betters. At
the time of this writing, we're still ping-ponging the issue of
whether to actually flag static covers as deprecated, but seem to have
come to agreement on the rest (retain them, but remove their use from
core code).

3) The Kernel Utils proposal seems to me unhelpfully vague. It does
not, for example, explain if anything will be done for 2.7. I'm
inclined to think that this would be appropriate for kernel 1.2, but
not kernel 1.1 (ie. Sakai 2.7). Is there a list of shovel-ready
3rd-party utils?

4) I confess to a bit of uncertainty about the state of the two
Profile tools. I was under the impression in December [2] that the two
profiles couldn't work together, but it looks like Steve managed to
complete the work that allowed them to do so [3]. And yet something
about Aaron's description of removing remaining dependencies to
Profile 1 makes me wonder if in fact they can still be swapped with
sakai properties. Can someone confirm?

In any event, since Steve says they can work together, I've altered
the proposal to simply say that Profile classic should be stealthed
and marked as deprecated.


[1] http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/EhsQB
[2] http://n2.nabble.com/Fwd-Building-Sakai-2-7-0-Profile2-v-Profile-tt4155769.html#a4155769
[3] http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/2.7+Deprecations?focusedCommentId=68164488#comment-68164488

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Clay Fenlason
<clay.fenlason at et.gatech.edu> wrote:
> I'd promised I was going to work this up this past weekend, but I've
> been sick the last few days, and it's been delayed. Still not quite
> finished, but I'm feeling poorly again and need to rest a bit, so I
> won't delay circulating the link [1]. The latest on JCR and Static
> covers still isn't there.
> Comments and other edits of course welcome.
> ~Clay
> [1] http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/EhsQB

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