[Building Sakai] SVN Commit Messages

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 18 14:53:59 PDT 2010

Just a quick request, when you commit something as well as including
the SAK in the commit message (really useful), could you include a
very short message describing the change (if you don't already). It
makes it much easier to read the subversion log without having to
visit JIRA to check what each change is related to.

Something like:

SAK-123456 Updated kernel version in poms

Having a second line which include a fuller description/reason make it
even better. Also at the moment if we lose JIRA (eg by accident or
something) then our revision history can become much less useful.

  Matthew Buckett
  VLE Developer, LTG, Oxford University Computing Services

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