[Building Sakai] [Management] MT deprecation recommendations for 2.7

Mark Norton markjnorton at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 18 06:08:21 PDT 2010

Anthony Whyte wrote:
> is it really all that challenging to add a service injection setter method that relies on a bit of XML residing in a Spring bean configuration file?
For you and I - no.  For a Java developer familiar with Spring - 
probably not.  However, I've  trained dozens of developers in Sakai tool 
development who are NOT familiar with Spring or even the concept of 
injection.  While admittedly a crude approach to solving the problem, 
covers are considerably easier for non-Spring Java programmers, or 
(perhaps more importantly) experienced non-Java programmers.
> I'd like to see static covers eventually removed (so +1) but recognize that the current crowd wisdom appears to consider this desire, well, unwise.  Still, I'd like to suggest a compromise proposal, one that permits the removal of a static cover whenever it impedes the implementation of unit tests written in support of a bug fix.  
What is the problem of writing unit tests and the presence of service 
manager covers?  If the cover is a method duplicate of the service 
manager, unit tests should work equally well for both (with the addition 
of the getInstance() method).
> Extension of 2.x unit test coverage is work that meets a long standing yet largely unrealized goal of the Sakai Community.  Suspending such work because one finds a static cover in the way appears to me unwise.
I'd like to understand how it is in the way.

- Mark

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