[Building Sakai] Sakai BigBlueButton integration

Adrian Fish a.fish at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Mar 2 07:27:45 PST 2010

Hi All,

I've written an integration with a conferencing tool called 
BigBlueButton (http://www.bigbluebutton.org). If you want to try it out 
I've attached the overlay which has been tested against the current 
trunk. You need to setup a BigBlueButton server but thankfully this is 
not difficult. I ended up doing it by installing all of the components 
against a 64bit Ubuntu 9.10, but the easiest install is against a 32bit 
Ubuntu as they've kindly created a deb package 
(http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/InstallationUbuntu) so you 
can literally have it up and running in 10 minutes. You could install 
into a 32bit VM as they've also created a VM image 

To secure the BBB api you need to generate a GUID and set the 
securitySalt value to it in:

There are only two things you need to do on the Sakai end.

1. configure your BBB IP Address (if you want to use hostnames as I did, 
you need to go through the config scripts for the various BBB components 
like Nginx, Tomcat and Asterisk and swap the IPs for hostnames) and 
security salt:

# BigBlueButton Integration
host at org.sakaiproject.bbb.api.BBBMeetingManager=http://BIGBLUEBUTTON_IP_ADDRESS

2. Pass the security salt by specifying it in either sakai.properties or 

salt at org.sakaiproject.bbb.api.BBBMeetingManager=THE_SAME_GUID_AS_IN_BBB

The BBB mailing list 
(http://groups.google.com/group/bigbluebutton-dev/topics?gvc=2)  is 
pretty active and the documentation 
(http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/w/list) is generally decent.

I'll be getting JIRA, SVN and Confluence space setup soon and I'll get 
this information into there when that happens.



Adrian Fish
Software Engineer
Centre for e-Science
Bowland Tower South C Floor
Lancaster University
email: a.fish at lancaster.ac.uk


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