[Building Sakai] Project 'dav' is missing required library: 'C:\Users\lyu\.m2\repository\org\sakaiproject\kernel\sakai-kernel-util\1.0.11\sakai-kernel-util-1.0.11.jar'

Longfei Yu longfei at oit.umass.edu
Wed Jun 16 09:04:13 PDT 2010

Hi, everyone,

I am new to Sakai development, and trying to set up the Eclipse  
development environment, and I followed the Setup Walkthrough  
instruction on:  

But, I got of tons of error messages, all of them said missing  
required library. I downloaded the sourcecode by subversion, and  
installed maven at: C:\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin

One of the error messages looks like this:
Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
Project 'dav' is missing required library:  
'C:\Users\lyu\.m2\repository\org\sakaiproject\kernel\sakai-kernel-util\1.0.11\sakai-kernel-util-1.0.11.jar'	dav		Build path	Build Path  

Are the required jars located in the source files? Or, where to find them?


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