[Building Sakai] Evaluation System & Entitybroker in 2.7.0-RC01 version

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Wed Jun 9 05:20:29 PDT 2010

Hi everybody.

I'm trying to install the Evaluation System tool in a 2.7.0-RC01 version 
of Sakai. Is mandatory for us to make Evaluation System work in 2.7 in 
order to migrate to the 2.7 version and I have found several problems.

1) The Evalsys installation instructions 
tell that the Evaluation 1.2.1 need Hierarchy 1.2.4. However, Hierarchy 
1.2.5 is available. Is possible to use the last stable branch of 
Hierarchy without issues?

2) Installing Evaluation 1.2.1 throws two missing dependencies. One is 
EntityBroker, which is not still installed. But the other is more strange:

[0]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for 
[1]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for 

The Scheduler tool is installed in 2.7.0-rc01. Does anybody know why 
could be failing?

3) Installing the last stable Entitybroker 
replacing in the pom.xml the 2.7.2 version for 2.7-SNAPSHOT, doesn't 
work for me.

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

GroupId: org.sakaiproject.purepoms
ArtifactId: sakai-basic-tool
Version: 2.7-SNAPSHOT

Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository


Could somebody tell me which version of Entitybroker should I install in 
2.7.0-RC01 and how could I install it?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.
Para caerles bien a las personas tienes que hacer muchas cosas... para 
caerles mal, no tienes que hacer nada. (Homer Simpson)

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