[Building Sakai] Roster tool update

Daniel Robinson d.b.robinson at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Jul 5 02:52:16 PDT 2010

Hi Sakai developers,

Adrian Fish and myself at Lancaster University, UK, have taken over  
the maintenance of the Sakai Roster tool. We were previously working  
on a similar tool with significant overlap in features (the People  
tool in Contrib), and felt our efforts would be better spent improving  
the Roster tool instead. As part of this switch, Roster will be moving  
to an indie release.

We plan to maintain the current UI, API and feature set of the Roster  
tool, but will be adding new features primarily to integrate the  
Roster tool with Profile2.

We are currently reviewing the outstanding JIRA tickets for Roster,  
and now would be a good time if anyone wishes to update a ticket they  
have previously created. If anyone has any feature requests, it would  
also be a good time to create new JIRA tickets. Please bear in mind  
that a feature freeze for 2.8 is planned for September.

One outstanding issue is to change the default name of the Roster  
tool. One suggestion has been to rename to "Site Members", which we  
would be happy to use. However, if people have any other name  
suggestions, please email them and we can have a vote.

Best wishes,

Daniel and Adrian

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