[Building Sakai] About License and inclusion in the map Who is using SAKAI?

Glauber Cabral glauber.sp at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 12:14:09 PDT 2010

Hi all.

We have been part of a SAKAI partner organization and now we would
like to know if it's possible (and how) to include us in the map Who
is using SAKAI? as an university laboratory holding a production
instance of SAKAI or a Pilot project.
I searched for this information in the confluence, but I only found
information about Licenses.

I'd like to know if it's allowed to use the SAKAI logo in our site as
a link to sakaiproject.org inside a page that relates the softwares
used by our system.

One last question if about relating us as contributors. Following
http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/LIC/Applying+the+ECL , I'd
like to confirm that our laboratory should appear in the
Acknowledgments page and not inside each file. Is it correct? There
can be references to our library inside each contributed file or it's
not allowed? How do we maintain the information that that our source
files were contributed by us, although they obey the ECL license?

Thank you a lot,


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