[Building Sakai] Problem with FCKeditor and allowed file types

Nicola Monat-Jacobs nicola at longsight.com
Fri Jan 15 09:00:06 PST 2010

Hi -

I'm clearly missing something here, so perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. I'm playing around with some FCKEditor plugins for Flash and MP3, which seem to work when I point them to a specific URL. However, when I click to Browse the Server, I can see that the Resource Type is 'Media', but the .fla and .mp3 files won't show up. In fact, no files show up. However, if I click the FCK button to add a link, Resource Type is blank and everything shows up.

I've looked at trunk/textarea/FCKeditor/connector/src/java/org/sakaiproject/connector/fck/FCKConnectorServlet.java and it appears that for resource type media, anything prefixed by audio or video (which these are) should show, but don't.

http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8085/portal seems to be working correctly, so I'm not sure what could be different. I'm running with the latest version of trunk using mysql, java 1.6.


PS, the plugin I'm experimenting with is http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1856051&group_id=75348&atid=737639
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