[Building Sakai] iframe doesn't resize properly when on https and serving http content

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 15:37:48 PST 2010

I can reliably reproduce this in Safari 4.0.4, Camino 2.0.1 and Firefox 3.6 on a Mac, and IE6, IE7 and Firefox 3.5.3, but only when running over HTTPS.

One issue stems from using an image from the library webapp as a background in CSS. That seems to render it over HTTP only, and it only seems to be Wicket based tools that are affected at this stage. Working on a fix.


On 11/02/2010, at 10:08 AM, Kirk Stork wrote:

> I'm pretty sure I've seen this in a normal http setting as well.  Using Firefox on a Mac sometimes editor windows don't resize.  I'll try and take notes next time I notice it.
> On Feb 10, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've hit a strange problem. Our Sakai instance is served over https (but can also be http). A couple of the tools don't seem to resize the iframe properly when running over https. I checked the Page Info in Firefox, and it shows that a few images are being served via http only (and they are images from /library). 
>> As soon as I drop the s from the URL, the iframe resizes as expected. Is this a known issue? I don't have the force.url.secure property set but I'm not sure that will help as I believe that is only for URLs out of Sakai.
>> cheers,
>> Steve_______________________________________________
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> Kirk Stork
> Research Associate
> The MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School
> kastork at nps.edu
> skype: kirkstork
> Voice: 360-450-3714
> It's only a model.  - Patsy

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