[Building Sakai] Input button with rsf

Marc Savitsky marc.savitsky at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Dec 10 08:48:03 PST 2010

I have been struggling to implement an input button in rsf.  My brief is 
to replace an anchor link with a button, but there doesn't seem to be a 
component object that has been designed for an input button.

I have some code that does what I want, but it does leave something to 
be desired!

In my java provider I have

     UILink.make(form, "return-url", "", params.returnURL);

and in the html template:

<input rsf:id="return-url" type="button" value="Back to Assign Survey page"
                         onclick="window.location=this.src" />

This works because the rendering of the UILink object with an input tag 
seems to put the target as a src attribute.

There must be a better way to do this?

Marc Savitsky

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