[Building Sakai] Research Study on the Educational Background of Designers/Developers of Software for Elementary, Secondary, or Higher Education

Marisa Exter mexter at indiana.edu
Wed Dec 1 22:50:35 PST 2010

Dear Sakai Developers,

I am writing to invite you to participate in a survey.  This survey is
a part of a larger research study, which aims to provide a greater
understanding of the educational experiences and needs of computing
professionals who design or develop software used in K-12 (elementary
and secondary) or higher education. Data collected will be used as
part of a dissertation study and may also be included in research
publications or conference presentations.

Depending on the nature of your experiences, the survey may take
between 20 and 40 minutes to complete.

As a thank-you for your time, you will be offered the opportunity to
be entered into a pool to win a $50 Amazon gift certificate. The
chance of winning is approximately 1/50.  In order to be entered into
the pool, you will be asked for your email address at the end of the
survey. You may also optionally provide an email address if you are
willing to participate in a follow-up interview.

Should you choose to enter your email address, it will not be used for
any other purpose and your responses will remain anonymous.

To participate in the survey, please go to the following URL:

<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C589QD6">http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C589QD6</a>

If you have any questions about the study or procedures, please
contact me at mexter at indiana.edu.

Thank you in advance,

Marisa Exter
mexter at indiana.edu
Doctoral Candidate, Instructional Systems Technology
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

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