[Building Sakai] Remove axis2 for 2.8

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 16:09:03 PDT 2010

Hi all,

Im seeking your input on a proposal to remove the axis2 from the 2.8 deployment. This project was started a few years ago as a GSoC project, but I don't believe it has gone anywhere since. Is anyone dependent on it?

In addition, we had an app server failure yesterday which specifically mentioned this bundle in the logs (too many open files). I am not sure how or why axis2 was involved, but as it is unused, we have pulled it from our deployment, and adjusted our server config to cater for more open files. Searching the logs, it seems other people that have had the 'too many open files' error, and in most/all cases, axis2 also makes a mention.


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