[Building Sakai] Blackboard importer 2.7.0 help

Zach A. Thomas zach at aeroplanesoftware.com
Thu Aug 12 12:07:00 PDT 2010

If I'm not mistaken, you could be getting that error either because that class is not present or because you have more than one and they are in conflict.

One way to be sure of what's in your import-pack is to use the jar tool and look inside:
    jar -tf import-pack/WEB-INF/lib/import-impl-1.0.3.jar

If you definitely have org/sakaiproject/importer/impl/IMSFileParser.class, I would begin to suspect that you had another version of that class somewhere else, either in the lib directory or in Tomcat's shared/lib directory.


On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Robert Long wrote:

> Thanks. However, I already have those lines in my components.xml.
> --Bob

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