[Building Sakai] auto.ddl=false - CONTENT_RESOURCE

Yzelle, Sonette SYzelle at unisa.ac.za
Wed Apr 21 02:57:14 PDT 2010

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Good day,

Upgrading to 2.6
In sakai.properties auto.ddl is set to false.  However when I startup tomcat it tries the following:
Alter table CONTENT_RESOURCE add FILE_SIZE NUMBER(18) default NULL binds.

This alteration was already done when we ran the database update scripts for the upgrade.

Why is it trying to do the alteration even with auto.ddl=false?  What can I do to prevent it from doing that alteration?


Sonette Yzelle
Analyst Developer
South Africa
email: syzelle at unisa.ac.za<mailto:syzelle at unisa.ac.za>

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