[Building Sakai] User Membership tool

Nicola Monat-Jacobs nicola at longsight.com
Thu Apr 15 09:57:56 PDT 2010

I'm trying to see if I can troubleshoot some performance problems with Admin Workspace > User Membership tool. We have delegated administrators who often need to update Sites and Realms for users, and the User Membership tool is the only one that I know of that looks up info on externally provided users via the gui.

However, in some of our sakai instances, searches in this tool just hang, never returning results. I've looked in catalina.out, but I'm not seeing much. The only thing that these instances have in common is that they are both using CAS, so I'm not sure if that's influencing things. Another instance with just regular ldap authentication seems to work fine.

Thoughts on how I can find out more about why these queries never seem to return results? Anyone using CAS with Sakai and their User Membership tool works?


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