[Building Sakai] [Management] Proposal: User Content / Markup and Security Meeting

Noah Botimer botimer at umich.edu
Fri Apr 9 10:30:16 PDT 2010


I think so. Everything someone wants to accomplish translates into something we have to put in other people's browsers. The input may be different, but the output is HTML at the end. I'm interested in finding the sweet spot of desired, supported, and safe.

Some desired things are trivially safe and some exposes various risks. I want to nail down those rough sets, get a pretty-safe-by-default stance in place, and establish a mechanism for adopters to fine tune for their users' needs and local policies. We may find that some very desirable "stuff" needs attention to have a "good enough and safe enough" approach to enable it by default.

I'm also interested in the alternate markup question. Things like BBCode and wiki markup have some nice benefits, but they also add (sometimes frustrating) abstraction. I don't feel like I have a good answer now. This is where the research part comes in.

BOFs, anyone?


On Apr 9, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Eli Cochran wrote:

> Noah,
> Reading through your original message and thinking about John's subsequent comments, am I right that at this point you're more interested in the "what content" question than the "how content" question? I suspect that the two questions cannot be completely divorced from each other, but I see that they are different. 
> I'm fine with separating the two issues for this virtual meeting and leaving usability and accessibility for another time. I appreciate the attention and interest that you've been giving this space and differ to your framing of the discussion. 
> <aside>
> When we talk about content authoring tools, my opinion is that we should not be thinking about supporting markup OR rich text editing, but should look for solutions that support both (the way Confluence does -- if you're using the right browser) to provide the maximum utility, accessibility and usability. 
> </aside>
> Thanks,
> Eli
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 11:24 AM, Noah Botimer wrote:
>> Eli,
>> Thanks. I didn't mention this directly, but it is something on my mind. Especially regarding the notion of having entry and presentation somewhat separate from the concept of "a formatted field of some type goes here".
>> I don't want that really difficult work to stand in the way of what I see as a necessary exercise to improve our current standing (with HTML in an RTE), but I don't want to dismiss it either.
>> There is a good bit of homework to outline this non-HTML/RTE scenario. If that is done, we can evaluate how much of it overlaps, if it's a decomposable problem, and which pieces make sense to discuss together. I've had some thoughts about this and can help a little on said homework, but probably can't lead it.
>> Thanks,
>> -Noah
>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Eli Cochran wrote:
>>> Um, accessibility of text editing tools, of course. Not accessibility in general.
>>> And to be even more specific I'm referring to a number of conversations on list in the last 6 months about whether editing wiki|textile|html markup is actually more accessible than rich text editors. 
>>> - Eli 
>>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Eli Cochran wrote:
>>>> Noah,
>>>> I'd like to add accessibility to the agenda if you think that it is in scope. 
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eli 
>>>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Noah Botimer wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> I am writing to introduce a proposal for a virtual meeting. The topic is user generated content (text and markup) and security therein.
>>>>> Proposed Format:
>>>>> 	* 2-day (or 2 half-day) virtual working meeting
>>>>> 	* Late April / Early May
>>>>> 	* Supported by tele- / video-conference
>>>>> Objectives:
>>>>> 	* Understand user goals for markup (e.g., styling, images, video)
>>>>> 	* Develop an initial set of technical best practices for supporting the user goals securely
>>>>> 	* Develop a plan for evolving the Sakai 2 platform to support and employ the best practices
>>>>> 	* Consider how compatible the findings are with Sakai 3
>>>>> This material and significant background are in Confluence. Please feel free to discuss here or as comments on the page.
>>>>> I would like to hear from all interested in participating -- this includes user specialists, developers, and security experts. The specific agenda and homework leading up to the proposed meeting are left for discussion, though I expect the first day would be more functional and the second more technical.
>>>>> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/soAYB
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -Noah
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>>>> . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .
>>>> Eli Cochran
>>>> user interaction developer
>>>> ETS, UC Berkeley
>>> . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .
>>> Eli Cochran
>>> user interaction developer
>>> ETS, UC Berkeley
> . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .
> Eli Cochran
> user interaction developer
> ETS, UC Berkeley

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