[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.6 Contrib Tool Migration

Matthew Jones jonespm at umich.edu
Wed Sep 16 07:43:34 PDT 2009

The only alternatives that it seems we could come up with (for
projects that like this that are already using profiles) are to:

1) Put activebyDefault on all of the profiles that are intended to be
default then you don't have to worry about any profiles. (Currently
2.6 is considered the default, so K1 should have an activeByDefault on
it). We could have a simple sed or perl -pie to alter that.
2) Always specify the full profile list on the command line
3) Remove the profiles for K1/Pre-K1 and maintain 2 different pom
files/2 different projects? :/ (This is what we used to do, just untar
whichever poms you needed)

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:28 AM, D. Stuart Freeman
<stuart.freeman at et.gatech.edu> wrote:
> I'm hoping not to have to specify the property on the command line, but
> rather base the profile activation on the existence of a property that is
> inherited from the parent pom and exists in the K1 parent but not the
> pre-K1 parent.  Unfortunately, that seems to deactivate the active by
> default profiles as well though.

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