[Building Sakai] SAK-16863 - Free Form Portfolio Template

Brooke Biltimier brooke.biltimier at rsmart.com
Mon Oct 5 15:58:38 PDT 2009


The was able to resolve the above issue by changing the cascade to "all" instead of "all-delete-orphan" as shown below. However, I am not sure where we set the page properties so I was unable to test a delete when there were page item properties. Are these still used and if so, how do I set them? 

<class name="PresentationPageItem" table="osp_presentation_page_item"> 
<set name="properties" lazy="false" inverse="true" cascade="all"> 
<key column="presentation_page_item_id" /> 
<one-to-many class="PresentationItemProperty" /> 


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