[Building Sakai] LDAP + auth

Daniel Lind Daniel.Lind at umdac.umu.se
Mon Nov 30 14:25:39 PST 2009


I'm trying to integrate an LDAP mapping for user data lookup when adding users to a site in Sakai 2.6.0. It works fine, but then that added user is a "provided" user which are not allowed to create sites etc. I would like to lookup users from an LDAP, but when they are added they will be local users inside Sakai. Is this possible?

I'm trying like this when a user login with shibboleth to update the user credentials in Sakai:

1. user = userdirectoryservice.getUserByEid(eid);   <- OK the user is found from LDAP lets try to update the user data (email, name). 
2. edituser = userdirectoryservice.editUser(user.getId());     <- no can do: the user is not defined! Then I try to add it.
3. userdirectoryservice.addUser(null, eid, ...      <- no can do: the user is already defined!

Is there an LDAP setting I've missed that lets the provided users from an LDAP be stored locally as internal user instead of provided ones?

Thanks in advance!

Daniel Lind

Daniel Lind
UMDAC, Umeå universitet
901 87 Umeå Telefon: +46 90 786 53 12
Daniel.Lind at umdac.umu.se

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